Marion County Health Department is an OEND site.

(Opioid Overdose Education and Naloxone Distribution)



Key points of the program include education and training on recognizing an overdose, the use of Naloxone/Narcan, and distributing Naloxone. Individuals wishing to obtain Narcan can do so at either the Salem or Centralia location for free.

A short educational training will be provided along with information on recognizing an overdose and steps to using the Naloxone.


Those requesting Naloxone can remain anonymous and will not be forced to give their name.

We do not exchange, give out, or accept syringes.


For agencies or employers where training is required. Please feel free to take the free training and quiz found below.

Once an 80% or higher is achieved, Marion County Health Department is happy to provide that agency/employer with Naloxone.